Thursday, 5 June 2014

Culture of Political Rag Syndrome



Over the last 35 years of independence there is a development of a kind political culture that is somewhat a hybrid unique (and I wish endangered) to Solomon Islands.

What is quite interesting is that when more responsibilities is assumed by our politicians from being legislators, political executives, overseers of policies now to becoming more of constituency project managers (mandate themselves to dish out grants and fundings) there is an increase of MP’s being elected into Parliament who have the characters of what I coined as “Culture of political rag syndrome”

To date if one observes debating and proceedings of the 9th parliament, only an average of 8 to 12 members contribute to during debates. 

And if one would analyze the content of the debates about 4 to 5 MP’s contribute meaningfully. 

That is, they have done some form of research and prepare properly before debating hence the contents of debate is of quality and relevance to bill and motions passed in parliament. 

A good proportion of MP’s either merely debate to be heard by constituents as if contributing (however the contents of debate is merely hot air), whilst the rest are just sitting ducks in the parliament chambers as if brooding over their eggs to hatch or perching on a branch waiting to be rustled by any loud noise or the rattling sound of the dollar.

My discussion will be on those brooding MP’s. This category of MP’s is somewhat the stumbling group to any stability of any government. 

Because those MP’s all along are politically idle, legislatively ignorant, policy dumb but are professional experts in what Dr. Tarcius Tara termed in the 1990s ‘Rubber 

Band politicians. Who jumped here and there, whenever political juggling occurs.
What this rubber band politicians should realize that they are no more than political grasshoppers, which are used by the power brokers and those thirsty for the PM’s post to wipe their dirty shoes in the process of jumping onto the leadership and or the executive’s chair.

If you compare the behavior of this category of politicians and a door rag, they have some similarities.

Firstly, door rags are only useful during rainy seasons when the foot path is muddy and there is a need to clean ones leg before going into the house, whenever they are not needed the rags will be stored in a back room and forgotten. 

Similar this group of MP’s will only be needed and active only when camps are formed, you will note that the Prime Minister or the Opposition group will showing them off in the front row in the media, with the executive or the Opposition group or they are known to jump forming their own camps etc. 

And after a motion of no confidence, they are stored like a door rag in back room called the back bench or unremunerated shadow portfolios. 

Waiting whenever there is another attempted Motion of no confidence or a controversial motion then they would again cuddled by the PM or the opposition group and showed off to the public.

Secondly a rag is used to clean dirt, and this category of MP’s are merely used in the same manner, only when there is accusation of corruption and abuse and influential MP’s are sacked or resign then you would note that some of those MP’s in that category will be pulled out of the back bench to bolster the government side or pulled into the opposition camp to be used for dirt.

Thirdly a rag doesn’t seemed to think or have any conscience, ethics or complain, they can be used to wipe shoes, mop stains, and dust windows.

 And such categories of MP’s are moreless like that whenever they are thrown out, neglected and used for odd dirty jobs, they don’t have any say. 

Rather they just allow themselves to be used to satisfy the masta’s convenience. Whether they are tossed, muddied or whatever, they don’t mind.
What matters is as long they are used by the master as a wiping material by the Captains (-Prime Minister) or their engineers (Caucus boss), and then patted for their service. 

In Solomon Islands where by the party system is fluid, the trend of this ‘rag politicians’ entering parliament is increasing. These characteristics and the practice to an extent has influence the perception as to how Solomon Islands society defines leadership and politics.

For instance gift giving and the cargo mentality (buying for support) is one of the main criterias people now have in order to vote people into parliament. And in one view, the increase of funds to be administered by the Politicians is a reaction to meet and fulfill this view of politics by society.

This culture of political rag syndrome is an incurable virus for stability in the Solomon Islands. Because this bunch of leaders, do not operate on human or societal conscience, principle, morality, or ethics, which are the essential ingredients of political wisdom that entail stability.  

Rather the main characteristics of these political grasshoppers are: polilicking, strategizing, lobbying, political brokering, political prostitution, political auctioning etc. These factors on the other hand are recipes for corruption, dictatorship and all the political nastiness one can think of. 

The question to ask is, if these things occur in our political arena who are or will be the victims? The answer is the people that these leaders assumed to represent. Therefore if that is the case what are the victims (people of Solomon Islands) going to do to prevent or stop this from happening?

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